4 Effective Natural Treatments for Stomach (Peptic) Ulcers

4 Effective Natural Treatments for Stomach (Peptic) Ulcers

Stomach ulcers, also known as peptic ulcers, are a condition in which you constantly experience pain and inflammation in your stomach. They usually occur when you take acidic, spicy, and oily food, excessive smoking, and drinking. Natural treatments can cure stomach ulcers permanently without any side effects. Before discussing treatment, we first need to understand what stomach ulcers are, how they form, their symptoms, and their causes. After that, we will talk about the four natural treatments that can cure stomach ulcers permanently.

What are stomach ulcers and how do they form?

It is painful sores present in the lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine called the duodenum, and the last part of the esophagus.

Our alimentary canal is coated with mucous membrane which protects it from the effects of acidic juices and hydrochloric acid secreted in the stomach. Gastric glands present in the stomach secret HCI and enzymes namely pepsin, and gastrin which break the hard food into smaller pieces, and from here acidic bolus formed is sent to the duodenum.

The ulcer formed in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer and the ulcer formed in the duodenum is called a duodenal ulcer and collectively known as peptic ulcer.


Burning pain in the epigastric region is the most important symptom of the stomach or peptic ulcer, it becomes worse when the stomach is empty. Nausea, vomiting and sometimes vomiting of the blood are there. Pain is often relieved by taking cold water. Here are some other symptoms:

  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Dark or Tarry Stools
  • Unexplained Weight Loss
  • Loss of Appetite


  • Scientifically it is believed that excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid is the leading cause of the stomach or peptic ulcer. But now new research says that infection of H.Pylori bacteria in the stomach is the cause of peptic ulcer in the stomach.
  • Frequent use of painkillers like aspirin, diclofenac sodium, wyslone, ibuprofen, etc. causes irritation and inflammation in the stomach and small intestine and causes sores in it.
  • Mental stress, anger, insomnia, etc. are also factors that cause peptic ulcers.
  • Excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol, smoking, etc. erodes the lining of the stomach and increases the amount of HCI production.

4 Natural treatments for stomach ulcers

Ulcers can be fully recovered and cured permanently through the four natural treatments that are: Food, Naturopathy, Ayurvedic, and Yoga Asanas. As we know peptic, or stomach ulcers come under chronic disease, so it is obvious that it takes time, effort, and patience to fully recover from it.

Treatment by Food

People suffering from ulcers should take special care of their diet because it is the first and main reason and cure for stomach ulcers. There are some diet suggestions for stomach ulcers:

Banana – It works as a medicine for them, it forms the protective layer inside the stomach by which ulcer starts to heal and excessive HCI comes to normal. If the banana is taken with cold milk, it affects more.

Cabbage – The wound can be healed by taking half a cup of cabbage juice twice a day.

Coconut Water – Drinking coconut water on an empty stomach is also beneficial.

Milk – Black goat milk is very beneficial for ulcers; it should be taken regularly twice a day for some days. Boiled cow’s milk is also effective, it reduces acidity from the body and increases alkalinity in the body, it gives relief.

Vegetables – Boiled veggies like cabbage, apple gourd (tinda), bottle gourd (lauki) and ridge gourd (turai) should be included in the diet.

Treatment by Naturopathy

There are some Naturopathy treatments that you can do at home easily, they give relief from pain and inflammation.

Cold Hip Bath – Take a cold hip bath twice a day.

Hot and Cold Hip Bath – Take hot and cold hip baths regularly to get relief from pain and inflammation, start with hot water and then cold.

Fasting – Fast helps to remove all the morbid matter from the body, starts with a weekly fast then gradually increases to 2-3 fasts a week.

Treatment by Ayurvedic Herbs

Some Ayurvedic herbs help to alleviate pain and inflammation and cure stomach ulcers. They are available in powder or raw form; you can take them directly or make a decoction of it. The herbs are:

Fenugreek – Drinking fenugreek tea is beneficial in the healing of peptic ulcers; it creates a mild coating of mucilaginous matter deposited by fenugreek and provides a protective layer for the ulcers when it passes through the stomach and intestines.

Aegle Maarmelos – It leaves and fruit both are beneficial for peptic or stomach ulcers, the leaves are rich in tannin which reduces inflammation. The fruit juice is beneficial to form a coating on the stomach mucosa which helps heal ulcers.

Ash Gourd – Fresh ash gourd juice mixed with an equal quantity of water taken daily on an empty stomach is beneficial to reduce inflammation in the alimentary canal.

Treatment by Yoga Asanas

Yoga asanas help recover from stomach ulcers, they not only cure the ulcer but also improve digestion, and reduce mental stress, insomnia, and anger issues. The suggested asanas are:

  • Thunderbolt Pose or Diamond Pose (Vajrasana).
  • Corpse Pose (Shavasana).
  • Raised Leg Pose (Uttanpadasana).
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana).
  • Wind-Relieving Pose (Pawan muktasana).

There are some Pranayama that are also helpful:

  • Hissing Breath (Shitkari Pranayama).
  • Cooling Breath (Shitali Pranayama).

Note: These are general suggestions, first consult with an expert.


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