A commitment to better health and a vibrant, healthy life.
You can just book a 15-minute discovery session to understand more about you. Use the link below to schedule a time that fits your availability over the next few days.

A passion for natural and healthy life
My consultancy offers natural healing, integrated with the power of Naturopathy, Ayurveda, and Yoga for a balanced and healthy life.
Dietary Recommendations
Naturopathy teaches us how to live naturally and explains that the seven elements that make up our body should be utilized in the state of good health as well as in ill health so that we can live a long and blissful life. It guides us on what to eat and drink and when. It also tells us how to sleep and relax effectively. In Naturopathy food is regarded as the best medicine and the right food can cure disease. A disease can be cured simply by eating the right food, and without it, no medicine will be effective. I understand that tracking what’s right for you and what’s not can be challenging, which is why I will provide a personalized intake recommendation to include in your diet.
Ayurvedic Medicinal Treatment
Ayurveda, a system of traditional Indian medicine, tells us about nature as a whole as a tool for treatment. Nature is a rich source of valuable remedies in the form of plants and minerals. Over 200+ Ayurvedic herbal medicines are utilized to address a wide range of diseases and health issues. These herbs are mostly powdered forms of plant parts like leaves, bark, roots, seeds, etc. It is not only sufficient to know the power of healing but also equally important to know about the form of use, dose, and time of administration. That’s why, based on my knowledge and experience, I will recommend 2 to 3 specific Ayurvedic herbs to address your health concerns.
Yoga Asanas
Yoga is the most ancient system of development of the body and mind. It is the art of living a happy and blissful life. It shows how we can conquer suffering, and disease and enjoy a better living. Asanas are very useful for maintaining good health. There are typically 84 different Yoga asanas, each with its own health benefits. Some asanas are designed to address specific health problems. Based on my experience and knowledge, I will suggest 2 to 3 asanas, according to the current situation. These asanas will help to speed up your recovery from your stated conditions. I will also share illustrative pictures and YouTube video links that will help learn the asanas and practice in your daily life.
After a 15-minute discovery session and based on your details and health condition, I will prepare your Personalized Health Dossier, which includes Naturopathy, Ayurveda, and Yoga Asanas for the right treatment, which will help you for your speedy recovery. The treatment included a 30-day dosage of the recommended herbs to save you the hassle of finding and buying the same. Since preparing a Health Dossier requires in-depth knowledge and hand-picking the right treatment, I do not prepare more than 2 dossiers in a day. There will be a follow-up treatment after the initial 15 days, during which I will analyze the current situation and make necessary changes to the dossier accordingly.
“Naturopathy is a right way of living life. It is an art of attaining a long, healthy and blissful life.”

Priti Gupta
Naturopathy Consultant